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20s' Resources:
Thrive and Succeed
5 Days to a More Confident You - Video Series
Each short video ends with a small to-do exercise to increase your confidence.
Day 1 - Rethinking Confidence
Day 2 - Getting to Know You
Day 3 - Mindset Matters
Day 4 - Superhero
Day 5 - Your Bright Future

Worksheets to Improve Executive Functioning and Increase Life Satisfaction
Executive Functioning Checklist
A quick survey on the eleven essential skills needed for managing your personal and professional life.
Time Awareness & Management
The Time Quadrant will help you see how well you use your time. Answer the questions to decide on ways to spend more time on activities that support your goals.
Four S's for Success: Put Yourself In the Driver's Seat - Checklist
See how four behaviors affect your life, so you can make adjustments if needed.
Soft Skill Checklist
Identify your positive traits and skills with this checklist. Knowing your strengths, increases self-confidence. The traits can be part of your profile when applying for a job.
Assess your life satisfaction in eight areas and use the insights to find ways to increase your contentment.
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